« Back to Events"Blood on the River" goes virtual

March 01, 2012 Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Da Vinci Worlds is a program unique to Virginia Beach City Public Schools but can be replicated or adapted for other school systems. The program takes place within the NIA Universe, a second-life-like virtual environment that exists on the Activeworlds 3D PC based platform. The intent of the program is to teach students content within a space that allows them to employ emerging technologies (virtual worlds) to develop problem-soliving skills, while also being a vehicle for engagement and differentiation. 

CISE Educator-in-Residence, Sharon Bowers, trains students and teachers together at once, how to operate within the environment, as well as build in the space. Students in Virginia Beach will soon be working in Da Vinci Worlds to build Jamestown museums and "build out" scenes from the novel "Blood on the River."