Educator Resources
CISE works with NASA, other government agencies, school systems, science centers and museums, after school programs and industry to develop and design inquiry-based learning resources that connect students with real world challenges.
Educators: Explore these free resources to find lessons, video segments, and design challenges that will help your students develop STEM literacy inside or outside the classroom. These resources are aligned to national standards for formal learning environments.
Short, relevant educational video segments, designed for a spectrum of learners. These videos inspire and engage students, helping them see the value of their classroom learning through NASA-inspired real world connections. |
NASA eClips Educator Guides provide examples of how teachers may effectively use video segments as an instructional tool. Included within this archive are several engineering design challenges and engineering design packets. These design challenges and design packets introduce students to a formal design process. |
SpaceMath @ NASA K-12 math problems inspired by past and current NASA missions that help teachers build relevance for math. |
Students research and design ways to protect astronauts from space radiation. Protecting astronauts from radiation on these distant travels is an important -- and very real -- problem that needs solving. NASA would like your help! |
OPTIMUS PRIME challenges students to help share the benefits of NASA technologies. Through two new challenges, students are invited to join NASA Goddard and OPTIMUS PRIME in their mission to make Earth a better place—with the help of space! |
Created by teachers, for teachers, Promethean Planet is a unique teaching, sharing, and support community that includes both teacher-created and partner resources for use in the classroom. CISE is pleased to be a premier partner with Promethean, contributing resources that have been modified specifically for use with Promethean interactive boards. Promethean Planet has more than 1.8 million registered users. |
eMediaVA is Virginia’s premier statewide digital media distribution system featuring the best purpose-built educational content available. Sponsored by the Virginia Public Media Stations and PBS, eMediaVA is currently provided free of charge to all VA educators and is constantly evolving to better meet the needs of Virginia’s teachers and students. CISE is pleased to be a resource partner for eMediaVA. |
NIA and the Miami Science Museum have partnered to create Virtual Missions and Exoplanets (vMAX) program for students in grades 6-8. Student camps will be offered at four science centers around the country. Students will enter a virtual world and launch into 3D visualizations of space. |
daVinci Worlds (right) is a project unique for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Elementary, middle, and high school students complete projects within this 3D virtual setting to synthesize their learning, develop creative and critical thinking skills, and build collaborative skills. This project may be replicated or modified for interested school districts.